Last Minute Christmas Tags | Academy of Scrapbooking and Arts Challenge


Here are three last minute gift tags for you. They were made almost only from leftovers. As you can see I used gel prints, I cut gift tags from them and made the top with a punch. Then I used a stencil, embossing paste and various gold-coloured @wowembossing powders to create the background on the tag.  

Next I embossed the poinsettia flowers from @rubberdance on Vellum in white. I then also embossed the flowers on Gelliprints using white Embossing Powders. Then I cut everything out with the scissors and glued them together Then I placed the petals on top of the tags and attached some die cuts I had left over underneath. I love these layers on top of each other. You can see that I have created the centre differently each time. I hope you like it.

I'm adding my TAGs to the Academy of Scrapbooking and Arts Challenge. They have a fabolous moodboard in december.

Here you'll find the close-ups of my gift tags.


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1 Comentarios

  1. A beautiful elegant project! So many elements make it very special! Thanks so much for joining us at our AcademyScrapArt Challenge this month!


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