time for tea designs meets WOW! [BLOG HOP]

Hello everyone, it's a Blog Hop today with lots of Inspiration, Fun and Prizes.
Today we have a super exciting collaborative hop between Time For Tea Designs & WOW! Embossing Powder. Members from the Design Teams for each brand will be sharing creations using T4TD & WOW products together!

We've got lots of beautiful inspiration using products from both brands and we can't wait for you to see what we've got for you!

I'm sharing two cards i made with the WOW! Embossing Powders and the stamps, stencils and die-cuts from Time for Tea Designs.

To celebrate this fun collaboration both WOW! Embossing Powder will be giving away a gift voucher for their stores!

WOW! will be offering a £/$20 voucher for either their US or UK sites and Time For Tea Designs will be offering a £20 voucher to their store!
All you need to do to be in with a chance of winning is leave a comment on this blog post by 23/11/21! For more chances to win, hop through to each designers' post and leave comments there too!
We will choose the winners by 25/11/21 and they will be announced by both brands over on their blog & Instagram.
If you have fallen in love with any of the products from either brand, you'll find money off vouchers throughout the hop for you to use whilst shopping!

Website-Icon-UK-Webshop.gif   Website-Icon-USA-Webshop.gif
WOWDTDT to get 10% off

Die mit Sternchen (*) gekennzeichneten Links sind Provisions-Links, auch Affiliate-Links genannt. Wenn Du auf einen solchen Link klickst und auf der Zielseite etwas kaufst, bekomme ich vom betreffenden Anbieter oder Online-Shop eine Vermittlerprovision. Es entstehen für Dich keine Nachteile beim Kauf oder Preis.

The next stop in this hop is the wonderful KATKA
Be sure to head over and see what inspiration they have to share!
If you'd rather, you can head over to WOW! Embossing Powders Blog to start from the beginning of today's hop!

This is the complete Hop List:

I hope you like it and I wish you luck!

Have a wonderful day


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