2021 Spring | Summer Coffee Lovers Blog Hop with WOW!


Hey everyone, i'm really excited to join the fun Spring | Summer 2021 Coffee Lovers Blog Hop

WOW! Embossing Powders is a one of many proud sponsors on this blog hop. You have the chance to win a $20 Gift Card to the WOW! Embossing Powder Online Stores. 

A handful of our Design Team at WOW! have created coffee inspired cards and this is mine, it's a shapecard.

Here is the List of my fellow temies

This is the card, that i made, it's a fun shapecard with the stencil from Dutch Doobadoo. The stamp is from Rubber Dance and i colored the image with my Watercolors.

I hope you'll join the Coffee Lovers Blog Hop and see all the fabolous makes.

Enjoy your day and have a cup of coffee :)


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